Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my older brother Jesses Birthday as well as my moms!! So as I'm sure you can figure out, Jess was born on my moms birthday, how cool is that? Jess is 29, which is so freaken weird. Although we had our "outs" growing up because he felt the need to torture me relentlessly(haha, but no for real) I feel really lucky to have him as my brother. He has become the neatest guy and it's been so fun to watch him be a dad. It's seriously the cutest thing to see him with his baby girl, for being such a hard "a" he turns into the softest little teddy bear. Love you Jess!
Even though my mom is no longer here, I still feel the need to celebrate a little bit on her birthday. Birthdays were such a big deal to her, she made them so much fun!! I have made it somewhat of a tradition that on her birthday(since she's been gone)to hit two of her most very favorite spots, T.J Maxx and Maverick, ha. She seriously was obsessed with T.J Maxx and I'm pretty sure they knew her by name. Maverick was somewhere she stopped on a regular basis for their frozen yogurt and cheese bread... Every time we passed a Maverick she would put her hand over her heart, ha, funny stuff. Okay it's really late and I'm stupidly tired and I'm starting to ramble on so I'm gonna wrap this up I promise...I could go on and on and on with little stories about my mom, I miss her so much! I was trying to be positive today and think something that makes the situation a little lighter with her being gone and I came up with this, she will never have to become old! She passed away youthful and so beautiful, never having to go through the pains of old age! She will always be remembered as the vibrant and beautiful, fun Kathy! I love you so much mom! Happy Birthday!!


Blair and Dave said...

I remember one year when we lived in T-ville, Fathers day, your bros bday and your moms bday fell all on the same day! It was the biggest party ever! I remember it was a sunday and I wanted to be a part of your awesome families big party!
Your mom was so awesome! Happy Birthday Jesse!

Blair Riccio

SeƱora Daiana said...

I love that. I like that you had postive thinking going on. I think that helps. Thats what I had to do on fathers day. Your the best.

Isaac and Dallas said...

Hey Keelee, I hope you had a good time at T.J. Maxx. I am glad you can stay positive about your mom's passing. She was an awesome lady. Really awesome and sweet.

The Keeles said...

You have to be one of the most optimistic people I know! You are such a strong girl!

The Keeles said...

K sorry to reply to you on your blog. Anyway I can bring some of the suits I have over to you and you can try them on. Or if you already know what you want you can just let me know and I can place the order for you. Just email me at crystalk@layersclothing.net! I also am having an open house next Saturday at my house that you are more than welcome to come to!

Camille said...

I love you! Thanks for doing my hair today. I think we need to get together more and just chat! You are the best!

Danica said...

Keelee- you are still as gorgeous as ever! Looks like you are doing well - your blog is super cute! We should all get together and do lunch sometime soon...

J and B Martin said...

You are so cute! I can tell you have such a close relationship with your Mom, I love how you are so sweet and positive about everything..I hope I am like that when my loved ones pass. Anyways...How are you?! I think I need to have you do my hair again..it has grown out so much, I can't even believe it! Let me know!!

Jenny said...

How special for him to share his birthday with your mom. It's just too bad to think of your mom having to go through labor on her birthday! Ahhh!

I'm remembering your awesome mom and this special day.