Monday, April 21, 2008

**Grateful for Girlfriends**

Kristen and Steven
Jacks and I
Melissa and Dave

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for good friends. Last weekend we went out with two of my very good friends who I love so much. These two girls were there for me when I needed the very most support. Funny thing, Kristen actually was my babysitter when I was little, ha. As many of you know when I was 22 I went through a divorce, Kristen called me up because she was going through the same thing and from that moment on we became great supports to eachother. Melissa and Kristen have known eachother since they were 12 so I was lucky enough to meet Melissa through her. Melissa also got divorced shortly after us... needless to say we were quite the little man hating crew, haha. We spent the next couple years hanging out all the time, going on several trips which to this day I just think about and start laughing!! We had so many fun times and could write a book on funny dating stories, they got me through a tough time for sure. Now Melissa and I are both married and Kristen is soon to be married in August to an amazing guy named Steve. I'm so glad she found someone who makes her so happy. She just graduated from school with her Masters degree while working and taking care of her littl girl, I'm so proud of her. Melissa is almost 5 months pregant with a boy.. so exciting! I love that her cute hubby Dave and my hubby have become such good friends, it makes it so fun to double with them! Here we celebrating Kristens graduation and recent engagement at Tsunami, mmmmmm. I love you Guys!!!


Jenny said...

Aren't good friends great?

About posting videos, the way I do it is that I just go like I'm doing a normal post. Then I click on the little "film" icon next to the picture icon. Then you just select which video you want to put on there.

Depending on Blogger's mood, it can take awhile to load or sometimes it won't load at all. Blogger can be tempermental! It usually works though, but you just have to wait a few minutes. Let me know if you need more help!

SeƱora Daiana said...

I'm also greatful for friends. Thanks for being a good one your the best...

Kristen said...

Hey Keelee! Kristen (Weeks) Peterson here :-). I noticed you from off Angelica's blog. Your blog is way way cute! How are you? I loved your "grateful for g-friends" blog. I'm so happy to hear that Kristen is getting married. I've been rooting for her for a while :-). It's great to read what you've been up to. Life for me is going great. Check it out at Take care!

britta said...

I had know idea you and Kristen were such good friends. That is Great! Please tell her hello and Congrats for me. We love Tsunami's too!!! My mouth is watering thinking about it. Take care!!!!

Ashley Bennion said...

I think that is awesome you and Kristen are that close. Tell her congrats on the marriage and the masters - Hope all is going well !!!

Eardley Fam said...

Wow what a blast from the past girl! So good to hear from you-your blog is amazing!! You are still such a babe of course and I am glad you are doing good!